A music program that's making preschoolers smile!
Can preschoolers really learn to play the piano? Of course they can!
Wunderkeys Piano for Preschoolers program is a very exciting and fun program for preschoolers ages 3.5 - 5 years old!
This is a story based and visually stimulating piano program. It will take very young children with no prior musical experience on a musical journey. They will acquire the piano skills, keyboard awareness, and rhythmic understanding needed for a successful future at the piano.
During a Wunderkeys lesson your child will participate in musical activities both on and off the piano bench. We do songs, duets, rhymes, games and imaginative activities to keep your child engaged and begging for their next lesson. The handmade Wunderbie Finger Puppets are always a favorite!
Wunderkeys gives preschool-aged children a head start in music, math, and life.
We offer 30-minute one-on-one lessons weekly using the Wunderkeys program in the San Ramon Valley area.

Starting school with WunderKeys experience means you can send your child to school confident in having given them a head-start!
For more information regarding this program, visit the link below for parent information on the Wunderkeys Preschool Piano Program.
"Thank you for having confidence in our son. It was your commitment that got him this far. We are very fortunate to have you as his teacher." ~ Puneet, Parent

How Piano Lessons Can Help
If you’re sending your child to kindergarten for the first time, you can be confident in knowing that piano lessons will prepare them for many skills they will need when they enter kindergarten. The Wunderkeys program will be teaching them the following:
♦ Learn independence
♦ Become comfortable spending one-on-one time with an adult other than a family member
♦ Listen to verbal and visual directions while responding appropriately to indicate their understanding
♦ Improve fine motor control which aids in beginning printing skills
♦ Learn memorization skills

♦ Listen to and recognize rhythm, aiding in their ability to absorb language and patterns in reading and writing
♦ Count and recognize numbers
♦ Gain confidence in front of others through performance opportunities
♦ Sort objects into large and small or greater than and less than
♦ Decipher patterns and predict “what should come next”
♦ Focus attention on one task at a time
♦ Work through challenges until reaching success
♦ Learn that math is found everywhere in life and is enjoyable and approachable
♦ To appreciate music, to find joy in making beautiful sounds and the happiness that comes from sharing their music with others

Research articles on starting piano at a young age
"We are seeing a lot of children come into our practice who are having difficulties with motor skills" ... Give your child the skills they need for school with focused, purposeful attention on fine motor control (and so much more!). http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-14/ipad-generations-fingers-not-ready-to-write/9143880
"As a child sings, dances, and plays instruments, research indicates that they are building pathways in the brain that will benefit them for a lifetime." https://preschoolinspirations.com/music-makes-children-smarter/
This is a great article discussing the importance of play in brain development in young children. Wunderkeys includes play, imagination and game-based learning from Day 1. Read more here: https://www.vincegowmon.com/the-right-brain-develops-first/
"Making music—especially if it includes tapping, clapping, bouncing, and dancing—can develop fine and large motor control. Even simple games, songs, and back-and-forth play build brain and body coordination. All this builds important connections across the many regions of the brain in order to thrive." https://www.carnegiehall.org/Blog/2016/01/Why-Making-Music-Matters-Music-and-Early-Childhood-Development